While you are in your peak earning years, it is important to develop positive financial habits. This may include creating a workable plan to pay off existing debt, establish an emergency fund and when appropriate to start putting away for retirement. Doing this as early as possible can help lay a strong foundation going forward.
Whether you are new to investing, established in your career, or planning to retire, we will work with you to develop a financial plan focused on helping you manage your money effectively.
As a parent, you are pursuing your own aspirations as well as guiding your children towards their own success. Looking at savings options early can be vital when evaluating things such as purchasing their first vehicle, the potential for private primary education and college savings options.
If your goal is to help your children with college tuition (or create an option for other family members to contribute to a tuition fund as a gift) there are several strategies available. From a traditional 529 plan to other non-traditional options, we can review how each works. It will also be important to discuss additional funding resources to consider for higher education expenses including researching financial aid options (loans and grants) as well as additional scholarship opportunities that may exist.
You have worked hard in your career and are ready for relaxation and celebration. However, the transition from a career and steady paycheck to living on the nest egg you have built can be a big change.
Together, we will develop a plan to help you grow wealth while you are still working and talk about common challenges when transitioning from the workforce to retirement life. We will create a transition plan for your household budget and work toward supporting your path to a fixed retirement income.
Business Owners
Between managing employees, building client relationships, and maintaining the quality of your products or services, growing a business is a demanding task.
It is easy to be swept up in the day-to-day management of your business and lose sight of financial planning considerations that may lead to growth. We can help create a financial playbook focused on caring for your key employees and executives, and reduce the impact of an unexpected loss. Having an active advisor on your employer retirement plan (401k, SIMPLE IRA or SEP IRA) providing active support to you, and your employees, can help alleviate additional stress on your resources.
When it is time to pass the torch and leave your business, we will be here to assist in developing your business succession process and exit strategy to create a seamless transition into life after work.
Ready to get started?
Contact us to start building a financial plan that fits your current life stage.